Positioning Students for
the RIGHT College & Beyond

Positioning Students for
the RIGHT College & Beyond

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A Lawyer’s Case Study: Jenn Arnold, University of Michigan Law School - College Bound Mentor Podcast #13

Application Mentor Package

Looking for mentoring throughout the entire admissions process?  We can help.

Essay Writing Assistance

Having trouble finding your voice?  Not sure how to tell your story?  We can help.

Grad School & Career

Thinking about what’s next? Uncertain how all your experiences fit together?  We can help.

Why Choose College Bound Mentor

College is the first educational choice that most students make for themselves. Our goal is to make each stage of the application process an enjoyable experience. We start with self-assessment to understand who you are and what makes you excited, interested, and unique. Next, we will brainstorm with you about college planning in the high school years: how to choose community service, courses, extracurricular or summer activities that align with your innate strengths and passions. Then we develop a personalized plan focused on college selection, applications, financial considerations, and acceptance.

Learn About Different Schools From Our College Visits

College visits are essential because in talking with students and Admissions Counselors, we get a better idea of what types of students will succeed there and how best to mentor you through the process.

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Hear From Our Students & Their Parents

  • Lisa was terrific and so supportive throughout every step of the college application process. She is very insightful and immediately saw my children’s strengths after our first meeting and how best to present their “story” in their applications. She had great advice on how to further develop and strengthen their “story” during Junior year. She knows what the admissions officers are looking for in the essays and had great suggestions on how to improve the essays so that the reader could really understand and get to know my children through their essays. She is extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of the college application process as well as what colleges are looking for in their applicants. This made the college application process much more manageable!

    Parent of Caltech and MIT Students
  • We wanted to send you a quick note to thank you again for all you did to help Samantha navigate through her college process. She gained so much confidence while working with you and reached for her dream school. We are just so unbelievably proud of her!

    Washington University Parent
  • I wanted to thank you myself for all the guidance and support you’ve provided. Ava is ecstatic and I know it’ll be an amazing experience for her. You encouraged her to apply to Vandy and that was the best advice we’ve received.

    Vanderbilt Parent
  • Lisa, Thank you so, so much for all your help, I couldn’t be more grateful! You got me into my dream school! My parents are finally chilling, they were worried that I was calmer than them throughout the entire process.

    Duke Student
  • Dear CBM team and Lisa, I’m pleased to be able to tell you that I was recently admitted into Harvard’s class of 2022. Thank you so much for all your guidance. I could never have gotten through the application process without your support, and amazing abilities to keep my parents off my back. I’m so glad to be done!

    Harvard Student
  • I just wanted to let you know that I was accepted to Northeastern University, my top choice! Thank you so much for all the help. I really don't know what I would have done without it.

    Northeastern Student
  • Michael is loving life at Tampa. He really enjoys his business classes and has made many friends. We feel very blessed and thankful he is happy and successful with his choice. I’ve always appreciated the time you have taken to answer all my questions and concerns promptly and honestly, so thank you.

    University of Tampa Parent
  • I just wanted to let you know that today I received a life changing email: I got into Delaware! The more I think about it, the more I want to be there. Thanks for all your help and support!

    University of Delaware Student
  • I wanted to let you know that I was invited to join the honors program here at Tulane. That seems to just be the icing on the cake of my experience here. I cannot describe to you how in love I am with this school. The people, the atmosphere, the faculty, the campus, the nightlife, everything! I just wanted to thank you again for all of your help during my college application process and decisions; you helped me find my perfect match!

    Tulane Student
  • Thank you so much for your help over the past few months. I am proud to say that I am now a member of Wharton Class of 2018.

    Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Student
  • I got into NYU Tisch! Thanks for being so very wonderful!

    NYU Student
  • Wow I have had quite the busy week, but I have not forgotten about you! Thank you so much for checking in, that was really nice. I did get into Northwestern! I am ecstatic and feel so relieved after all of that hard work and waiting. But you helped me get there and I am forever grateful! I also got into SMU, Tulane, GW, Chapman, USC, and BC! A very successful process.

    Northwestern Student
  • Hey Lisa, I just wanted to let you know I got into GW! Thank you so much for your help, I couldn't have done it without you!

    The George Washington University Student
  • I just got a call from Georgetown (even before I got the letter)... I got in! Thank you so so so much for everything!

    Georgetown Student
  • Abby, You were worried that you might not be a good fit for my son … Ha! You are nothing short of a genie, giving me one wish. “I wish that for once, he finishes his writing assignments and turns them in on time.” Thank you for giving me my wish. I am very happy. Great work with a very, very tough student. Thank you, Abby.

    Butler Parent
  • Dear Lisa, We would like to thank you for the fantastic support to Ester during her application process. We could not imagine how requiring and hectic this time would be, both for her and for the rest of the family. You succeeded to make the process much more serene and very successful. She is so happy to be accepted at Barnard and so we are too. The studies seem to be really interesting and the fencing team is really good.

    Barnard Parent
  • I know that J wrote to you yesterday to share his great news and to thank you, but we wanted to reach out to you ourselves. He is so happy and relieved and we are so proud of him.  He has worked so hard for so many years, always dreaming of going to a really great school.  Now it is a reality.  He had the brains, the drive, and the great interests to pursue, but your help the past two years, most significantly with his personal statement and essays, made the difference. We cannot thank you enough.

    University of Pennsylvania Parent
  • My son’s situation was “out of the box” so we needed to work with people who not only understood that, but also had the expertise and experience to navigate us through the complexities and challenges of the college application process. Abby Power’s approach was the perfect balance of holding my son accountable for his role in the process, while ensuring that he felt supported throughout. We believe that approach made all the difference in terms of successfully targeting the schools that were right for him, while preparing him for the responsibilities of college life.

    University of Miami Parent
  • Abby from College Bound Mentor provided an amazing service not only for our son, but also for us as parents navigating through this process for the first time.  She was as patient with us as she was helpful to our son.  We have two more children to get into college, and we’re hoping Abby will be there for them as well.

    NYU Parent
  • I got into Columbia! Thanks for everything!

    Columbia Student
  • Thank you so much! Today was extremely helpful and interesting, and these attachments are great. I'm really enjoying looking through these case studies and getting in that mindset. I'll definitely let you know if I need anything else. Thanks again!

    Graduate School Client
  • Our Junior Year Initial Consult with CBM was extremely informative and very focused. When it was over we knew the important parts of this process and what the next steps should be.

    Junior Parent
  • Was very helpful in looking forward to plan out and have goals for the next four years. Took away the feeling of being overwhelmed about it all. Would recommend to friends!

    High School Freshman
  • Initially I was not very interested in the college process and thought the whole experience would be daunting and unpleasant; however, after meeting with Lisa I now find the process to be engaging and exciting and am greatly looking forward to all future meetings and learning more about the application process.

    High School Junior
  • I just wanted to let you know that I have been accepted to NY Medical College, was invited for an interview at Mercy College but declined it, William Paterson University, Towson, MGH Institute of Health Professions, Northeastern University, NYU, and Seton Hall! I am deciding to go to MGH in Boston! MGH was actually the one that made me write the "optional but strongly recommended" diversity statement hahaha. Thank you so much again for all of your help!

    Mass General Hospital Speech Pathology Student
  • Sorry for the long, overdue thank you for helping our son through the college application process. Needless to say, the outcome for him was excellent and he is excited to attend CMU and to be swimming on their team next fall.  We know that you two played a critical role in many ways, but most importantly helping him unpack and clarify his personal positioning early on and then coaching him to reflect this in the numerous essays and application documents produced over the past 9 months.  As parents we are proud of his many accomplishments and appreciate you helping to put these in the best possible light. His applications were compelling in a very competitive environment. Your expertise, feedback and project management guidance made a big difference.    So thank you both for your patience and support as we know you have a lot of students and feel we had the best of the best working with our son.

    Carnegie Mellon Parents
  • I can’t thank you enough for all of your help and guidance with my daughter's Personal Statement! She is SO happy with how it turned out! I’m truly grateful to you for helping her to express herself and show her commitment to her education as well as her true desire to help others.

    Parent of High School Junior
  • Just realized that we never took the time to thank you for all the work you've done with our daughter over the past couple of years. The support you've given her has been invaluable. We are obviously happy for her and proud of her achievements, but I must say that having someone besides her parents to keep her on track and advise her has been the best part of it. It definitely preserved our relationship with her during those precious last years having her at home. We'll definitely be in touch very soon as her brother will be a Sophomore in the Fall, and we'd like to start the process then as we did for our daughter.

    Columbia/Sciences Po. Parent
  • After this spring break and visiting Wisconsin, I have decided to become a Badger! Thank you for the help through the admissions process!

    University of Wisconsin Student
  • The entire college process is daunting even for the best student, but from the get go Lisa and her team helped my daughter manage the stress by not merely helping her consistently meet internal deadlines and complete necessary tasks, but also by really getting to know her. With Lisa’s talent, skill set and dedication coupled with Debbie’s brilliance at editing and devotion to her clients, my daughter put forth her best application. Lisa and Debbie knew precisely how to teach my daughter to tell her story in the most compelling manner. There is no doubt, my daughter was accepted early decision to her dream school because of them! Opening up that acceptance email and watching my daughter’s face as she realized her dream was a priceless moment for my husband and me. Kudos and much thanks to College Bound Mentor!

    UPenn Parent
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