Emerson College
College review by Lisa Bleich
Emerson bill itself as a state of the industry liberal arts college focused on communications, however the curriculum is highly pre-professional. Emerson students have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in every aspect of broadcast, print and Internet journalism, film directing and production and theater arts.
There is a writing, literature, and publishing major that prepares students on all aspects of becoming a professional writer. Students have access to an “equipment rental” room where they can check out audio visual equipment, just like in a real news organization.
The campus is vertical and students afraid of elevators need not apply, however some of the buildings are quite beautiful such as the theater that was recently restored.
Students are a mix of creative, artsy, attractive, and focused students. Many students smoke and keep themselves very busy with activities and school projects.
Students come to Emerson knowing that they want to do something around telling stories, but not sure of the medium. Students who do not have that single-minded focus would not do well at Emerson. The most competitive programs are film and a BFA in Theater.
Students are “doers” and want to hit the ground running in their respective fields. It is difficult to switch majors, particularly into film and there it is also difficult to get into classes outside of your major.
Emerson sits across the street from the Boston Common, which is Boston’s much smaller version of Central Park. Otherwise the campus is a series of buildings and each department is on a different floor. The views from the dorms are incredible and students must live on campus for the first three years.
Emerson admits approximately 50 students into their honors program, which provides half tuition.