Should I Send It?
As the early deadlines approach, students wonder what, if any additional information should they send.

Here is a great chart created by Tufts admissions that will help you decide if you should send additional information or not. Below are the most typical types of additional information.
Arts Supplement. If you are a talented musician, visual artist, dancer or actor and plan to continue participating in that activity in college, you can include an arts supplement through SlideRoom provided the school allows for this. Make sure this talent is also well represented in your application. Arts supplements are typically forwarded to professors in the field, so it is important that the supplement enhances your application
Resumes. Some colleges allow students to upload a resume in addition to their activities listing. Here is a an blog post that outlines which colleges allow for you to upload a resume and how to do it. If the school does not allow for a resume upload and you have more information to share about your activities beyond the what you list on the application, you can communicate that in the Additional Information section. For example, significant work experience, significant awards or depth in a visual or performing art. Here are some ideas of how to write that.
Letters of Recommendation. If a non-academic letter of recommendation showcases a different side of you, e.g. your leadership or strength of character, then it makes sense to send it. However, the person must know you well and be able to speak with authenticity and specificity about you as a person for it to make an impact.
Newspaper Articles/Website Links. If you can find a way to reference the article in the application or through one of your letters of recommendation, this is preferred. The additional information and activities section are good places to include this type of information.
E-mails to Admission Officers. If you can find the information on the website or through Googling the question, best not to send an e-mail. However, if you have a genuine question that is specific to the institution that requires a personal answer, this is a great way to demonstrate interest and establish a rapport with an admissions officer.
Information about an Illness or Learning Difference. You can use the Additional Information writing section to explain how an illness or learning difference has impacted your academic record. The writing in this section should be matter of fact and explanatory. Colleges want to understand how you were impacted, but do not want excuses.
Baked goods. Keep these for sharing with friends after you get your acceptance!