Wemberly Worried Goes to College

Wemberly worried about kindergarten, but now she’s going to college!
One of my kids’ favorite books when they were little was Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes about a little girl mouse who worried about everything, especially starting school.
What if the teacher is mean? What if they make fun of my name? What if I have to cry?
This time of year, I can relate to Wemberly’s worries as we enter March and the countdown to regular decision college acceptances or denials ticks down. I worry about my clients and their results:
What if Johnny doesn’t get in after being deferred? What if Sally only gets into her safety school? What if Peter’s parents are angry because he didn’t get into the school they thought he should? What would have happened if I didn’t encourage Jane to apply to her reach school ED instead of a more realistic one? What if Sam doesn’t get enough financial aid to afford college?
Then I take a deep breath and remember what Wemberly’s family told her.
“You worry too much,” said her mother
“When you worry, I worry,” said her father.
“Worry, worry, worry,” said her grandmother.
“Too much worry.”
And they’re right. After working with students for the past fifteen years, I have seen that students end up where they are supposed to. Even if it may not feel like it when they get the final decisions.
Seniors, you put forth your best effort. You worked hard. You have accomplished a lot and continue to push through senioritis. So take another deep breath, release your worry and try to do something fun to distract yourself.
Good luck as you find out the decisions over the next month.