Five surprising ways students love SCAD

Five surprising ways students love Savannah College of Art and Design

1. Athletics. SCAD boasts 12 varsity athletic teams, including a very strong equestrian, fencing and tennis teams.  So if you have an athletic artist, this might be a great option.
2. Internships. Students have numerous opportunities to participate in internships.  SCAD is on a 10 week quarter system, so that allows for students to get internships during the winter quarter.  Students have interned at companies such as Pixar, Kanye West, and BuzzFeed.
3. Energy The energy was palpable on campus as students engage in creating art.  Student brainstormed while creating and producing a TV show.  They worked together in the industrial design studios.  They gathered around a professor sharing ideas and learning
4. Creative Collaboration.  Companies collaborate with SCAD by providing real world problems that they want solved.  For example, Mattel tasked ID students to create a Barbie Princess Dream Carriage.  The prototype and and ultimate winner that Mattel used was showcased in the student gallery hallways.
5. Savannah is a quaint, very manageable city.  Easy to walk around and filled with restaurants, clubs, music, and outdoor space.  They also provide shuttles between campuses for students to get around town easily.

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