Mira Korber

    I grew up in the wilds of Morris County, New Jersey, and took the commuter train daily to attend Kent Place School. After graduating in 2011, I deferred my acceptance to Yale University so I could ride horses and travel in Argentina before obtaining my B.A. in Latin American studies.

    Like many good Yale graduates, I was recruited to pursue investment banking in New York City, where I worked on Debt Capital Markets transactions for Latin American clients. In this role, I gained experience in a fast-paced, corporate setting, but my persistent desire to “march to the beat of my own drum” drew me into the world of entrepreneurship. In 2019, I started a subject tutoring and education consultancy, Blue Ribbon Scholars, specializing in student-athletes who manage extended absences to pursue competitive careers on horseback.In my work with Blue Ribbon Scholars, I have guided non-traditional students and their families as they navigate academic paths that uphold their academic, athletic, and personal values. My experience working with public, private, online, and homeschooled students has shown me that each student will forge his or her own path when encouraged to be confident and take calculated risks.

    In 2023, I obtained an M.P.P. in Education Policy from Vanderbilt University, where I met my fiance, who has a doctorate in Biology. We live in Ocala, Florida, on a small farm with two border collies and two horses.

    Have you ever felt like you don’t quite “fit” into a tidy box, tied up with a bow for college admissions officers? I’ve felt the same way many times – and I promise we can make a compelling narrative of it.

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