University of South Carolina
College review by Diane Forman
The University of South Carolina is a large, public university located in Columbia, the central part of the state. The 350-acre campus includes a pre-civil war area which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. . “It is home to more than 200 years of history and tradition, rising from a single building in 1805 on what would become the heart of the campus, the Horseshoe. The 11 buildings that now make up the Horseshoe frame a lush lawn that is an irresistible gathering place. “
There are 20,494 undergraduate students, 70% in state and 30% out of state. The average weighted GPA is a 3.75. The average SAT’s range from 1110-1270, ACT’s 24-28. They do not super score the ACT, only the SAT. The Honors College is a small liberal arts college within the University with approximately 1200 students.
Admissions are competitive, an additional application is required along with the regular application, average SAT of 1350-1440, ACT between 31-33 and a weighted GPA of 4.5. In addition the university has a Capstone Scholars program for more competitive students with SAT’s of at least 1250 and 28 on the ACT.
The University of South Carolina has some nationally ranked programs including the undergraduate international business major in The Moore School of Business. It has been marked either number one or number two for 21 years as the country’s top-ranked program. They also have a great School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism. The Marine Science Program is outstanding.
Sports are Division IA and are a large part of the culture at the university. There is a lot of school spirit and football games are well attended. There is also a good variety of club and intramural sports offered, even a Quidditch team. The vibe is friendly and the students looked happy and relaxed. There is a commitment on the part of the administration to help the students be successful.
Learning Support at The University of South Carolina
Coordinated Services
The Office of Student Disability Services provides the students with accommodations after they have been accepted to the university and have submitted their documentation. Currently there are approximately 650 students registered. The staff is comprised of a Director, an Assistive Technology Coordinator and a Learning Disabilities Specialist.
The LD Specialist will meet with the students on a weekly basis. The university has a Behavioral Intervention Team set up and if there is an inappropriate behavior exhibited in a classroom, they will call disability services to report it. Currently there are about 9 students on campus with Aspergers.
They are currently conducting a pilot program for one on one coaching for time management and organizational skills with graduate assistants offering the support. If it goes well, they might develop this as a fee for service program.