What to Do If You’re Deferred
If you were deferred by an ED or EA school, you are now part of the regular applicant pool, and it is important to help yourself stand out, but it is also important to follow the guidelines of the school in question. UVA also put out a great FAQ about what to do if you were deferred as did Georgia Tech.

You will need to send mid-year reports to the school to which you were deferred and any other schools that you have not yet heard from, so keep up your grades so there is good news to report. Admissions offices have piles upon piles of material that they need to sort through and attach to the appropriate application. If the information is relevant, send it, if it is not, then err on the side of caution.
So what constitutes relevant information?
- Scholarships or awards
- Additional leadership responsibilities
- Change in activities or additional activities
- Articles in the paper highlighting your accomplishments
- National Merit Scholarship
- Test scores (additional or any)
Click here for a great graphic “Should I Send It?” created by Tufts University