Chapman University

College review by Lisa Bleich Chapman University has grown tremendously over the past 10 years from 1,500 to 6,000 undergraduate students. During the initial stages of the growth, selectivity was [...]

Loyola Marymount University

College review by Lisa Bleich Loyola Marymount University (LMU) sits high upon a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean right near Los Angeles Airport.  The buildings are a mix of [...]

Georgia Tech

College review by Lisa Bleich Georgia Tech has a very pretty, traditional looking, contained campus right in the center of Atlanta.  The student body is highly diverse; 40% of the student [...]

Emory University

College review by Lisa Bleich My daughter and I took a post-Hurricane Sandy break and spent the last few days in Atlanta, GA visiting Emory University and Georgia Tech. For our first exposure to [...]

TCNJ: The College of New Jersey

College review by Lisa Bleich and Beth Cassie Beth and I recently visited The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) as part of a counselor’s visit day. The campus is quite impressive. TCNJ looks beautiful [...]

Williams College

College review by Lisa Bleich We took advantage of our vacation in the Berkshires to visit Williams College.We drove along the bucolic, windy, one lane highway passing large fields and not much [...]

Dartmouth College

College review by Lisa Bleich Last week I dropped off my oldest daughter at college to begin her freshman year and before the tears of separation even dried up, I was off to Dartmouth with my [...]

New York Film Academy

College review by Lisa Bleich New York Film Academy rolled out the red carpet for our visit to Los Angeles, literally, as they set up the opening cocktail party on the ‘European’ [...]

University of Tampa

College review by Diane Forman Nestled along the riverfront in downtown Tampa, the University of Tampa (UT) boasts a picturesque campus. UT is just a stone’s throw away from Orlando and a [...]

Rhode Island College

College review by Lisa Bleich Rhode Island College (RIC) started out as a teaching college and has morphed into a four-year liberal arts college over time.  Many of the students commute to [...]