Furman University

College review by Diane Forman Greenville, SC www.furman.edu Furman is a small, private liberal arts college (2,771 students) located in the mountains of Greenville, South Carolina.  The [...]

College of Charleston

College review by Diane Forman Charleston, SC www. cofc.edu The College of Charleston is a public, liberal arts college located in the heart of Charleston.  The students rave about the “charming, [...]


College review by Diane Forman www.citadel.edu The Citadel is The Military College of South Carolina and described as both Pre-Professional and Liberal Arts. It is a public college and is best [...]

University of Michigan

College review by from our guest blogger, Katherine McKinley.  She is a senior at Westfield High School and in the throws of making her decision about where to attend. This past weekend I [...]

New York University (NYU)

College review by Lisa Bleich Immense, global, “In the city, of the city”; “in the world of the world”, friendly, diverse, independent, exciting, bustling, filled with opportunities, [...]

Washington University in St. Louis

College review by Lisa Bleich Updated on April 11, 2013 Gorgeous, pristine, Gothic style, Ivy league-like are all words to describe Washington University of St. Louis’ campus. My daughter and I [...]

Rutgers University: New Brunswick

College review by Diane Forman Dec. 2011 – RU is expanding and updating their facilities as we learned on Dec 6th during a very informative counselors day. The Livingston Campus in [...]


College review by Beth Cassie Swarthmore Update Feb. 2012 –  I, too, spent a week at Swarthmore, but as a student in the IECA Summer Institute program.  During the week I became very [...]